We wish to acknowledge the talented architects listed below who have contributed to the work of our firm.

2006 to 2016 Stuart Cohen and Julie Hacker Architects
Paul Billingsly
Robert Witte
John Jacobs
Nicole Egan Ducar
Amy Mangold
Steve Liska
Gary Shumaker
Suzanne Shumaker
Donald M. Phillips

1988 to 2006 Stuart Cohen and Julie Hacker Architects
Steve Liska
Gary Shumaker
Suzanne Shumaker
Donald M. Phillips
Pamela Fischer
Paul Billingsley
L. Thomas Wynn
Nicole Egan Ducar
Amy Berka Mangold
Scott Kuchta
Jeff Korte
Mike Moran
Lisa Schmidt
Frank Yang
Tom Morano
Edward Deegan
Burgess Wilson
James Galey
Ken Fougere
Jennifer Morgenstern
David Pickert
Joanne Pandis

1985 to 1988 Stuart Cohen and Associates
Julie Hacker
Burgess Wilson
James Galey
David Pickert
Robin Johnson
Sherry Stevens
Jennifer Morgenstern
Eric Ward
Paul Taylor
Jerry Coulomb

1980 to 1985 Stuart Cohen and Anders Nereim Architects
Julie Hacker
Paul Janicki
Chris Rudolph
Max Underwood
Paul Steinbrecher
Charles Renner
Karen Johnson
Debra McQueen
Robert Brazunius

1975 to 1980 Sisco/Lubotsky and Stuart Cohen Architects
Anders Nereim
Andrew Metter
James Law
Kathryn Quinn

1973 to 1975 Stuart Cohen Architect
Richard Rose

Graphics & Website Design by:
Ciurej Design

Consulting by:
Michael Bordenaro

Cohen & Hacker Architects • 1322 Sherman Avenue • Evanston, Illinois 60201 • 847-328-2500